Partners Generously Advance Education
District staff may nominate a Community or School Partner for the District’s Friend of Education Award. This award recognizes a business, organization, or person who has demonstrated support for student achievement by generously giving time, talent, and/or treasure to a school or schools within the district. The business, organization, or person displays the many ways the community can successfully partner with our school district to improve the quality of education and promote community partnership.
Commitment to the educational enhancement of our youth.
Dedication to the continuation and success of the partnership with the school or district.
Participation on a regular, dependable, scheduled basis.
Pearle Vision (partner with the District)
Sioux City First (partner with North High School)
Tyson Foods, Inc. (partner with the District)
Siouxland Community Health Center (partner with the District)
Iowa Reading Research Center (partner with the District)
Food Bank of Siouxland (partner with Bryant, Irving Dual Language, Hunt A+, Liberty, Riverside, and Unity Elementary Schools)
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach (partner with Riverside and Spalding Park Environmental Sciences Elementary School)
Molstad Chiropractic Clinic (partner with the District)
Loger Comfort Shelties (partner with the former Clark Elementary School)
Trinity Lutheran Church (partner with Bryant Elementary School)
Ron Pieper Auto Body (partner with the former Washington Elementary School)
Sioux City Symphony (partner with the District)
St. James United Methodist Church (partner with the former Whittier Elementary School)
St. Mark Lutheran Church (partner with the former Whittier Elementary School)
St. Luke Lutheran Church (partner with the former Whittier Elementary School)
185th Air Refueling Wing (partner with the District)
Central Baptist Church (partner with Irving Dual Language Elementary School)
Jack Bernstein (partner with the District)
Cy Chesterman (partner with the District)
Morningside Assembly of God Church (partner former Emerson/Roosevelt Elementary Schools)
Grace United Methodist Church (partner Spalding Park Environmental Sciences Elementary School)
Sunnybrook Community Church (partner Liberty Elementary School)
Siouxland District Health (parter with the District)