
Guiding Students to Graduate and Achieve Success

Secondary education serves students in sixth through twelfth grades. The Sioux City Community School District has three middle schools and three high schools. Students are taught the Iowa Core and have access to a wide range of exploratory and elective courses. These courses help students acquire the necessary skills to successfully graduate and fulfill post-graduation aspirations.

Additionally, the District offers the Sioux City Career Academy, which serves students at two central locations.

The Sioux City Career Academy offers over 30 pathways for students to explore. Each pathway is a career-focused sequence of high school courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to post-secondary education and careers.

In addition, the department oversees all activities in the District.

Jim Vanderloo Headshot

Jim Vanderloo

Director of Secondary Education & Activities

Send Mr. Jim Vanderloo a Message

Additional Department Contacts

Kira Gross
Administrative Assistant to Secondary Education
712-279-6676 ext. 6676
Send Kira a message